Rigó Zoltán

Zoltán Rigó - light technician, technician
- Technician
- Light technician
- Technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
- Light technician
"Without them, there would be no theatre..." This thought inspired our interview series, in which we take a twist on the audience experience.
► Our next "guest" is Zoltán Rigó, for whom this was the first interview of his life, as he doesn't really like to perform. :) Zoli is a lighting technician who is responsible for placing and adjusting the lights and controlling the lights during the performance.
𝐏: How long have you been associated with Proton Theatre?
𝐙: Since the beginning! I was already working on the FRANKENSTEIN-PROJECT, then I became a permanent collaborator. :)
𝐏: Which is your favourite and most important Proton performance and why?
𝐙: I like all of them, but I would highlight DEMENTIA and DISGRACE. I have to do a lot of things in both performances, you can't really separate that from the plays. I like them the most as an insider and as a "spectator", but I also consider IMITATION OF LIFE and EVOLUTION to be very important performances.
𝐏: 'When everything goes wrong' - Technical difficulties are almost always there, but were there any that were really memorable for you?
𝐙: Sometimes things go wrong. :) It was the Moscow tour with Dementia, when we had a lot of technical difficulties putting the show together (NET Festival 2014). But I have already put out a fire during a performance - at another theatre. You could say that technical difficulties are common, but a professional team can eventually put the show together without the audience experiencing any of this.