Cselik Jánosné

Jánosné Cselik - dresser
"Without them, there would be no theatre..." This thought inspired our interview series, in which we take a twist on the audience experience.
► This time we asked Jánosné Marcsi Cselik: she is a costume dresser, responsible for keeping the costumes clean and preparing them for the performances, but in FRANKENSTEIN-PROJECT you can also see her on stage!
𝐏: How long have you been involved in the Proton Theatre? How did the "meeting" happen?
𝐌: I've been with Proton since 2009, I actually joined by accident. One of my former colleagues, the dresser at the Bárka Theatre asked me if I would do 'Frankie'.
𝐏: Which one is your favourite and most important Proton performance and why?
𝐌: Well definitely 'Frankie', I love it! I also have a tiny part in the play, I'm involved in the casting scene. Roland Rába once asked me to do it, I only had one line at the time, but they found out that I was good at it, and since then I've been crying in the show all the time. Being on stage is a great experience, but I get nervous before every performance. I've worked on several plays (HARD TO BE A GOD, DISGRACE), but for me, 'Frankie' is everything!
𝐏: 'When everything goes wrong' - Technical difficulties are almost always there, but were there any that were really memorable for you?
𝐌: For me it was just my last performance, it happened last year in Gyula. I was picking up a lot of costumes, I was going to give them to the laundry lady, but it turned out that there were no staff, no machines, no washing powder. We started washing by hand with Ida Báki and Zsuzso (Zsuzsa Szakács), and we were done by dawn.