The Frankenstein-project continues to spread!

The Frankenstein-project continues to spread!


But where can something spread after 150 performances? After Europe, South Korea and Chile? Fortunately, the world is still full of untouched areas, so after last year's smash hit Hard to be a God, this year we're storming Gyula, or more specifically, the Gyula Castle Theatre, with the 152nd Frankenstein-project, adapted from Mary Shelley's cult novel.

Then in September we return to Budapest with the 153rd and 154th performances. Those inclined toward numerical mysticism or with an interest in mathematics should be informed that 153 is a Harshad number (i.e. divisible by the sum of its digits) and 154 is a spherical number (i.e. can be produced by multiplying three different prime numbers) – this reason alone makes attendance highly worthwhile! And we also recommend buying tickets soon, because we can only accommodate 50 spectators at each performance. and let us add that 50 is yet another Harshad number... :) 


TICKETS for the 152nd performance of Frankenstein-project - 26 July 2021 Gyula Castle Theatre 

TICKETS for the 153rd and 154th Frankenstein-project performances - 11-12 September 2021 Budapest, Trafó
