1 link - Gergely Bánki’s directorial debut in Proton Theatre

1 link - Gergely Bánki’s directorial debut in Proton Theatre


Jake Smiles, the protagonist lives, kills and loves online. Jakes Smiles, the name of the author is an alias, a so called nickname on the internet. Gergely Bánki dramatizes the first online novel of Hungarian literature in Proton Theatre’s new production. Written by the mysterious Jake Smiles, who is also the cynical hero of the monodrama, 1 link won the first prize on Magvető Kiadó’s and Origó’s common competition in 2001. Vilmos Vajdai plays the main role, Gábor Karcis has created the visuals, Krisztián Vranik is responsible for sounds. The piece premiers on the 25th of May at Trafó House of Contemporary Arts.
